FAXP™ —— Expansion Kit For Spatial Proteomics and Super-resolution Imaging

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FAXP: ZOOM Samples In!

Expansion Kit For Spatial Proteomics & Super-Resolution Imaging  


Spatial omics has emerged to precisely identify the location of distinct regions and unravel the intricate "color spectrum" of tissues and cells. Derived from the central dogma, omics methodologies integrate four key dimensions-genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics-allowing us to delve deeper into the mysteries of biological systems.

However, conventional bulk omics studies often overlook the spatial dimension, resulting in the loss of critical biological information and hindering the resolution of tissue heterogeneity.

Illustrative Animation of Tissue Expansion

Continuously Expanding Mouse Brain Slice

The FAXP™ technology stands out in the field of spatial proteomics with its superior volume expansion capabilities. The technology can achieve a 512-fold volume increase in tissue samples while maintaining an 8-fold lateral expansion to achieve a lateral resolution of 125 microns. This remarkable volume expansion capability not only greatly improves the quantity and quality of protein identifications, but compared to other spatial proteomics technologies, the FAXP technology also excels in time efficiency compared to other technologies, reducing time consumption by 50%+. These characteristics make the FAXP technology a clear advantage in the research of precision medicine and disease diagnosis.

If Bohdi resides in every leaf,Omics-cosmos hides in every FAXP

