Westlake Omics shines in the “2022 Hangzhou Unicorn & Quasi-unicorn List” released by the authorities at the 6th All Blossom Conference held recently.
Hangzhou, a city once hailed by Marco Polo as “the most beautiful and magnificent and heavenly city in the world”, has turned itself into the Mecca of internet in China. Amongst multifarious challenges and vicissitudes, Hangzhou maintains its position as a trailblazer of the emerging cities in China, propelled by the dual engines of digital economy and intelligent manufacturing.
Westlake Omics stands out as a micro-world data company, benefiting from the city’s development priorities such as artificial intelligence, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, which, in turn, will drive the company even further on a solid footing.

Westlake Omics shines in the “2022 Hangzhou Unicorn & Quasi-unicorn List” released by the authorities at the 6th All Blossom Conference held recently.
Hangzhou, a city once hailed by Marco Polo as “the most beautiful and magnificent and heavenly city in the world”, has turned itself into the Mecca of internet in China. Amongst multifarious challenges and vicissitudes, Hangzhou maintains its position as a trailblazer of the emerging cities in China, propelled by the dual engines of digital economy and intelligent manufacturing.
Westlake Omics stands out as a micro-world data company, benefiting from the city’s development priorities such as artificial intelligence, healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, which, in turn, will drive the company even further on a solid footing.